“Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.”
Register.com is turning out to be just as bad as Network Solutions.
There’s one domain name I have [mjmcpherson.com] that was paid in full for 3 years, AND on auto-renew.
Yet, one of Register.com’s resellers keeps selling the domain name away from me.
The whois contact information is someone else, but the DNS information is still me.
The last time this happened, they clearly found my invoice where I was paid in full for years, yet couldn’t explain the snafu. After a phone call it got corrected.
Now of course, it’s gone missing again. More waste of my time on the phone tomorrow.
To make matters more fun, here’s the dates in whois:
Created on…………: Wed, Sep 20, 2000
Expires on…………: Mon, Sep 20, 2004
Record last updated on: Wed, Sep 20, 2000
That’s right. The record hasn’t been changed since Sept 20, 2000. Yet it disappeared sometime this year again. #$%$#