You know the routine; more new tunes. I rarely ever buy music at FYE (Your Your Entertainment, formerly Camolot), so it came as a nice surprise to me that they have installed listenening stations in their stores. Grab a cd, scan it, here clips. Same with movies. Fuckin A. That’s how it should be. It actually was helpful when picking out another Iron Maiden CD. I hate the CDs where Brice Dickenson wasn’t in the bad. Listen to the samples, nope, he’s not on that one. Liston to another CD, yup, there we go.

  • Tenacious D: Tenacious D

    I actually found out about TD via their HBO half hour specials. If you’ve never heard them, it’s like acoustic-hard-rock meets standup comedy.

  • Iron Maiden: No Prayer For The Dying

    Same stuff. Different album. But I still like them just the same.

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