I decided it was time to get a new more powerful UPS for the server rack here in the office.
The currently has (3) 1U PIII servers (WWW, DNS, Firewall), (1) 4U dual PIII file server, and a small assortment of switches and nicknacks. So far, I went cheap on the UPS in the rack. It’s a simple floor model Conext 900AVR UPS. Conext appears to be a rebranded APC UPS. It even came with APC PowerChute and APC labeled cables. OF course, it was nearly half the price of something comparable from APC. Go figure. But I digress.
So I’ve been to Best Buy more than a few times. I tend to buy stuff online since it’s always cheaper than Best Buy, but shipping in this 1500AVR would probably suck butt, so I opted for the instant gratification. I’ve seen the CyperPower 1500AVR in there a few times, but never felt the urge to purchase one those days I guess. Apparently today I was in the mood for a new toy.
Once installed, a review may be forthcoming.