If I had a hammer…
Contained within is a list of projects I’m doomed to never start, never work on and never complete. Come to think of it, it’s more like a wishlist.
Location: /
You’re looking at it. This is project #1. I haven’t had a ‘personal’ website in ages. So, not only is my attempt to rehash one, but I’m also learning a lot of new stuff when building it.
Rather than stock HTML, this site involves a lot of XML/XSL/CSS code, plus a little Perl too.
Location: http://www.panyard.com/
Of all the sites I’ve managed to get myself into between ‘95 and the present, this one has withstood the test of time. Unfortunately, it’s written in ASP/SQL Server on Windblows NT 4.0 (SP 6,000,000). Once I get a handle on Apache/AxKit/Perl, I’m going to start converting panyard.com to the new stuff. Most of the work involved will be building the shopping cart system with AxKit and Taglibs built in Perl.